Modern Slavery Statement
FIFTHSTRAIN is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its business activities and to ensuring its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.
Our Business Structure
We are a retailer of professional workwear and safety equipment. Our business operates in the United Kingdom, and we work with suppliers both domestically and internationally.
Our Policies
We operate the following policies that describe our approach to the identification of modern slavery risks and steps to be taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our operations:
- Whistleblowing policy
- Ethical trading policy
- Employee code of conduct
- Supplier code of conduct
Due Diligence
We undertake due diligence when considering taking on new suppliers, and regularly review our existing suppliers. Our due diligence includes:
- Mapping the supply chain to assess particular product or geographical risks
- Evaluating the modern slavery and human trafficking risks of each new supplier
- Conducting supplier audits
- Creating an annual risk profile for each supplier
We provide training to our procurement team and all staff involved in supply chain management and recruitment to ensure they understand the signs of modern slavery and what to do if they suspect it is taking place.
Our Performance Indicators
We review our effectiveness in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our business or supply chains by:
- Regular supplier audits
- Staff training completion rates
- Actions taken to strengthen supply chain auditing
- Investigations undertaken into reports of modern slavery
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.